Saving Money on Electricity:


Do you want to know how to make free electricity to run your home for saving money on electricity fast? More and more people are looking for ways to reduce their electric bills as energy costs continue to increase day after day.
One of the best alternatives that I have discovered is to build my own renewable home energy system. I have already built my own wind turbines at home that are providing more than 50% of my home's total power requirements.
1. How I Managed To Build My Own Home Energy Systems And Save Money On Electricity Easily
I found help by downloading an online step-by-step construction guide that taught me how to build the whole system from scratch and how to maintain it. You can also consult experienced technical consultants to help you build this system or buy ready-made turbines if you do not mind the extremely high costs. The cheapest readymade renewable energy systems can cost $40,000 and upwards.
2. What Do You Need To Build Your Own Wind Turbines?
The parts required to make your own wind turbines can be easily bought for low costs. The main components that will make up your turbines are the rotor blades, shaft and generator. The total costs that I spent to buy all the parts and complete the whole project was less than $180, and I am very pleased with the huge electricity savings that it is providing my family with now. You can also use deep cycle batteries to store the excess energy generated for later use.
Thousands of people have already eliminated their own home electricity bills with a free energy system that they learned how to build with a step-by-step guide online. You can find out more about how to build this homemade power system at the website link below.
Want to Save Money on Electricity easily? Do not try any windmill and solar power system scams until you read the author's review of the Best Home Electricity Systems at first!
The author has managed to reduce his energy bill by more than 80% by building his own renewable home energy system. Check out his website to find out how to do it!
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"Make Free Energy From Water and Solar Sources" Guide:


Are you searching for ways on how to make free energy from water and solar sources? A few months ago, I had been looking for a way to make my own wind powered and solar generators on the internet.
After looking through countless websites on the internet with free energy information, I could not find anything specific and useful, and I almost gave up my search. Luckily, I was recommended a guide by my friend called Free Energy Options which I have used to build the power generators that I wanted to.
1. What Are The Benefits Of Using The Free Energy Options System?
It is projected that energy costs will be going up further in the near future and no one is sure how high it will go. The burden of electricity and energy bills was weighing down on me, which led me to start searching for free energy solutions. I am glad that I started looking for energy options and have succeeded in building my own free power generators.
2. How I Started Making Power With The Free Energy Options System
You will need to acquire all the parts listed in the guide, like a DC motor that can be easily bought for a few dollars if you do not already have it. My first project was to build the wind generator, and the other was the solar power generator. Even though I had very little technical skills and it was my first time making the generator, I was able to assemble it quickly with the step by step instructions in Free Energy Options.
Other than written instructions for building the power generators, the guide also contains clear visual plans that shows you where the parts and components will need to be placed and how the whole generator looks like when completed.
Is the Free Energy Options manual a scam? Visit to read a FREE report about this solar and wind power system!
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water running car:

What would cars be like in the future? Would it be like a hover craft, like we see in the sci-fi movies? It would be nice if that were the case. However, in the real world it will be highly improbable to happen because of the increasing cost of gas.
A car that runs on water is highly probable to be the mode future of transport. In fact it exists today. In the 90s Stanley Mayer invented a car that runs on water. Unfortunately, the inventor died during March of 1998. Today, there are many inventors who claimed that they developed a water running car. However, some of the claims are dubious. Nonetheless, the technology is available.
This innovative invention works by means of Hydrogen electrolysis; it separates the hydrogen while maintaining the stability of water. Hydrogen is then converted into energy. It is easy to install if you have the necessary information and it is cost efficient. A gallon can run for miles. These kits are available now! Over 10,000 people have converted their cars and trucks. Everyday these kits become more popular due to the high rise of gas. They reason they are becoming so popular is because they are very simple to install if you purchase a home kit. They provide blueprints, videos, and step by step guide. If you purchase the right kit you can have these installed on your car with NO mechanical skills in 90 minutes. If you have some mechanical skills you could install these kits in 45 minutes easily.
Do you want the best convert your car to water kit? Well I did the research for you, I bought the 6 most popular kits and tried out each one. I put the top 2 on my website with a Review: [] Don't get ripped off, I have seen many kits on the internet for over 1000 dollars
Think About all the money you will be saving each week if you buy one of these kits. I save 175 dollars a week on gasoline. If you would like to check out the best and most affordable kits Visit: Car 2 Water []
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Things Europe Never Invented: Ancient Chinese Inventions :


Ancient Chinese Inventions:


Engineering an Empire: CARTHAGE:


How to make a solar cell the simplest ways

The Potential Application of HHO Technology Into Diesel Generators


It's no secret that HHO or what is commonly known as Brown's Gas has been used in combustible diesel and petrol engines in vehicle's such as cars, MPVs, trucks, trailers, crane and excavators. But many are not aware of the potential use of HHO in diesel generators. From the definition of Diesel Generators in Wikipedia, "A diesel generator is the combination of a diesel engine with an electrical generator (often called an alternator) to generate electrical energy. Diesel generating sets are used in places without connection to the power grid or as emergency power-supply if the grid fails. Small portable diesel generators range from about 1kVA to 10kVA may be used as power supplies on construction sites, or as auxiliary power for vehicles such as mobile homes."
But we are currently talking about larger diesel generators 100 KVA and above which are normally used to power buildings, such as rest stop areas beside highway roads, telecommunication towers, cement lifting cranes at construction sites, etc. Most of these types of Diesel Generators operate daily between 12 hours to 24 hours, which the users themselves spend thousands to tens of thousands of dollars per month to maintain their operations that rely on electricity off grid.
Let's look into the current issue of these particular Diesel Generators. It may have been a time during the cheap oil era; people would not be bothered with the high use of diesel fuel in Diesel Generators to generate Electricity for the use at their premises. During the mid 2008, the oil peaked more than USD 100 per barrel causing a ruckus in businesses that rely on diesel fuel for their diesel generators. That it would have caused an increase in operational cost which will deeply affect the profits for the companies that rely on electricity generatored by Diesel Generators.
Many may not be aware of this, due to the prolonged use of the engines in the Diesel Generators be it two months or more, the Engines, just like any other internal combustion engines would accumulate carbon deposits and would cause incomplete fuel combustion. Therefore, there is no doubt that the Diesel Generators are using much more fuel than they need to generate electricity. The wastage is estimated to be at least 20 percent, which in the long run, is a large sum of money; could be up to thousands of dollars a month. Like any departments of a company, efficiency of operations would save time and money for any businessmen. This proves to be true even for the efficiency of a diesel generator as well. It is no doubt as mentioned by many, the primary goal of any business owner is to survive the current economic downturn is to develop a leaner, more cost effective and more efficient operations.
There are opinions that automotive and fuel technology has been deliberately held back and people have been kept in the dark about amazing inventions and discoveries. They blame it on Big Oil Companies. In my opinion, HHO or Browns Gas is one such "fuel technology" but I beg to differ that this technology is being held back but was less researched due to skepticism by a large number of people. "Experts" would theorize and build hydrogen generators like the commonly known "Electrolyzers" and make excessive claims of 50% to 70% even double the mileage of a car. While other "Experts" would theorize and disprove HHO or Brown's Gas technology, commenting such technology as scams. They are the extremes of both; however there are several others like us would apply this technology to find out the truth.
In this article, I will not further elaborate about HHO or Brown's Gas and would assume the reader to have basic knowledge about this technology before reading this. From personal experiences of installing Hydrogen Generators or commonly known as "Electrolyzers" into Diesel Generators 100 KVA and above, we ourselves were surprised of the results of the fuel saved in those Diesel Generators. The results of course vary, for the Diesel Generators, but what have caught our attention was the least savings for the Diesel Generators was 30%.
Here are the other feedbacks from the owners of the Diesel Generators themselves during the trial run
1) Engine Runs Smoother
2) Less Hazardous Carbon Emissions
3) The Gradual Increase of Fuel Saved (as the Internal Engines get cleaner from complete combustion)
This has solved the main issues of Incomplete Combustion of Fuel for all Diesel Generators. From complete fuel combustion, there were are significant carbon deposits residing in the engines, allowing better efficient engine performance for the Diesel Generators.
The Hydrogen Generators or "Electrolyzers", through electrolytic process, hydrogen and oxygen (known as Brown's Gas) are separated from distilled or reverse osmosis water and supplied to the intake manifold of the Diesel Generator via vacuum generated by the Engine. The HHO or Brown's Gas is then combined with the Diesel Fuel and dramatically improves the combustion. About 45% of Diesel normally burns during combustion. With HHO that jumps to 90%.
The HHO within the Diesel Engine
1) Intake (Air & hydrogen Enter Cylinder)
2) Compression (Mix Heats Up)
3) Piston Compresses Air with HHO
4) Ignition (Fuel Added, Combustion)
5) Faster Burn, Quicker Release: More Power
6) Exhaust (Gasses Expelled)
7) Less Emissions Cleaner Exhaust Gas (Less Carbon Deposits)
The installation process is much simpler than it is in Diesel Cars. In fact it takes only an hour while the Diesel Generator is running.
1) Identify the Battery (12volt/24volt). This is to identify the type of Hydrogen Generator needed to operate. For Example, once we have identified that a Diesel Generator runs on a 24 volt starter battery. We will select the Hydrogen Generator that operates at 24 volts.
2) Identify the location of air vacuum (intake manifold). A hole is made by drilling and elbow tubing is fixed and glued for tubing insertion
3) A location is identified to place the Hydrogen Generator
4) The Wiring harness which includes fuse, relay, relay socket and wires provided is used to install the Hydrogen Generator
5) The Electricity source will be taken from the alternator via wiring setup (Positive wire from the Hydrogen Generator)
6) The Earth source will be taken from any part of the body engine of the Diesel Generator (Negative wire from the Hydrogen)
7) Distilled or Reverse Osmosis Water and Catalyst are filled into the Hydrogen Generator
8) The electric current flowing within the Hydrogen Generator is adjusted to 12 amps with an estimation of 3 liters of Gas per Hour.
It is better not to take our word for it or listen to any "experts" who theorize and disprove claims. We recommend it is better for the reader themselves to try and get involved in this HHO Technology especially in the applications of Diesel Generators. As we have discovered that Diesel Generators are one of the most suitable in the applications of HHO because of its consistency of engine operations in comparison with vehicles which depend heavily on road conditions and user driving habits. It has been known that, users living off grid electricity rely heavily on Diesel to generate electricity for 12 hours or more. There are proposals of solar energy and wind turbines to be combined use with diesel generators to further reduce the cost of operations. However, it is the high cost of pre investment that leaves the user in doubt of its a few years period of Return on Investment. HHO or Brown's Gas is the cheaper alternative to allow the users to save a large portion of their money in a month or two period of Return on Investment (ROI). The manufacturing and deploying Hydrogen Generators in much more cost effective than manufacturing and deploying solar panels and wind turbines.
One of the researchers and developer of clean and efficient fuel sources. Melvin Lee is one of the team of Hydrox Innovation that recognises the problem posed by the ever depleting fossil fuel supply and through dedicated research and innovative development, they are building evolutionary solutions that can change the world without changing the world's infrastructure.
Copyright © 2009 Melvin Lee
You may reprint this article free of charge in your newsletter, magazine, or on your website, provided that the article is unedited, and that the copyright, author's bio, and contact information below appears with each article. Articles appearing on the web must provide a hyperlink to the author's web site, []
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Portable Generators - Safe Use


The demand for portable generators has increased substantially in recent years. There are myriad reasons for this increase. Emergency portable generators can have significant benefits to individuals and communities, helping to save lives, and lessening the hardships caused by natural disasters and lengthy power outages. Consumers should, however, be aware of the dangers associated with improper use of electric generators. We will highlight a few of these in the following paragraphs.
Portable Generators Produce Poisonous Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas discharged in generator exhaust. Inhalation of carbon monoxide is often lethal, and a number of deaths occur each year as a result of consumer generator use.
In 2004, the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) studied deaths from generator use following four major hurricanes that struck land in the state of Florida. Powering air conditioners and other appliances during nighttime hours was the primary factor identified in generator-related deaths in the CPSC Florida study, and in each of the cited cases, improper location of the portable generator became key to the tragic outcome. In 2000, two children swimming behind a family houseboat on Utah's Lake Powell drowned after losing consciousness when a portable generator beneath a swim deck produced dangerous fumes. Once again, poorly planned placement of a consumer-use generator was cited as the primary cause of the tragedy.
Because of many similar incidents, the Consumer Products Safety Commission promulgated in December, 2006 that all new generators sold after March of 2007 be affixed with labels setting forth technical and performance data, in addition to the following warning:
"Using a generator indoors CAN KILL YOU IN MINUTES. Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide. This is a poison you cannot see or smell. NEVER use (generator) inside a home or garage, EVEN IF doors and windows are open. ONLY use outside and far away from windows, doors, and vents."
The CDC reported that a small portable generator will produce the carbon-monoxide level of six idling cars, a reality that surprises many consumers. Carbon-monoxide levels can be compounded with generator use because the gas is heavy and tends to linger, making it difficult to expunge from an infected area. This means that generators are never safe to use indoors, including inside of open garages, and that during operation they should be located as far from residential units or buildings as possible. In particular, operation near windows, screen doors, vents, and air conditioning ducts should be avoided. Operators should also note wind direction, and locate generators so that prevailing air currents carry fumes away from nearby buildings or residences.
Though all portable generators produce carbon monoxide, certain models create less CO emissions than others. For example, generators equipped with overhead valve (OHV) engines, a standard design in modern models, produce less carbon monoxide emissions than models sporting older side-valve, pushrod engines. Any consumer who intends to use a portable generator in locations with restricted airflow should seek a model creating the fewest emissions possible.
Portable Generators must be Dry and Free from Debris
Safe emergency portable generator use requires planning. Since portable generators are often used in inclement weather, or during the night when visibility is restricted, understanding how and where to use them in advance is critical. It is best to operate generators only in open areas, and, whenever possible, in locations where the generators will be protected from falling debris like leaves and twigs, and from blowing rain, sleet, or snow. A portable generator should never be wet during operation. An operator should likewise never be standing in water or on damp ground when he or she starts a portable generator. Portable generators should always be grounded according to manufacturers' recommendations. Methods of grounding vary by generator model, but in general will require that a generator be connected to a fixed metal object (for instance, a cold water pipe - spigots for hoses or sprinklers on the outside of the house can be effective choices for generator use).
If heavy debris falls onto the engine of a portable generator, covering it or restricting air flow, the unit can overheat, producing dangerous levels of heat that in extreme instances can even ignite debris. If possible, an operator should dislodge undesired debris from a generator using pressurized air rather than scooping the debris out by hand.
We recommend placing a portable generator atop a concrete pad which rests at least 15 feet from all residences or buildings. Ideally a small roof should cover the pad, leaving a minimum of three feet of clearance on all sides of the generator for ventilation purposes. Other suggested generator locations are beneath a canopy, or inside an open or well-ventilated shed or carport.
Portable Generators must be Properly Connected
A portable generator should never be plugged directly into a residential electrical system (i.e., a wall outlet). Appliances should either be plugged straight into a generator outlet, or into a generator-ready extension cord (often referred to on packaging as "generator cords"). Since portable generators will be placed outdoors, operators need to be sure that any extension cord employed has been manufacturer-rated for outdoor use, and that it carries the Underwriters Laboratories endorsement for the maximum wattage produced by the generator model. Whenever possible, operators should also avoid routing extension cords in a manner that would create tripping hazards or covering extension cords with combustible carpets or padding which can cause heat build-up and perhaps even fire. Particular care must be taken when using an extension cord in wet conditions. If an extension cord is hot to the touch, it has been overloaded and must be either replaced or its load reduced. Operators should periodically inspect all extension cords for frays, cuts, cracks, exposed wiring, and plug damage, and replace any which have been compromised. An operator should always power on a portable generator before connecting a load to it (this is true whether appliances are to be connected directly or via an extension cord), and when connecting appliances, an operator should first connect the highest-wattage ones.
Rather than plugging appliances into a portable generator directly or via an extension cord, a user may wish to employ an electric transfer switch (which should be installed by a licensed electrician or somebody familiar with building codes in the operator's area). A transfer switch serves as a bridge between the generator and main circuit-breaker panel of a building or residence. It allows a portable generator to send power directly and safely into a home electrical system. The National Electrical Code (700-6) provides that transfer equipment must be designed and installed to prevent inadvertent interconnection of normal and emergency power sources. In other words, an electric transfer switch needs to stop a potentially-lethal problem known as back feed -- electricity being created by a home generator that enters outside power lines where it poses an electrocution risk to unsuspecting power-company workers. In an attempt to ensure that transfer equipment is installed according to code, some local government agencies require that the installer obtain a permit prior to installation. A qualified electrician will know when a permit is needed, and how to go about obtaining one. One type of transfer switch, referred to as a double-pole, double throw model, won't engage unless outside utility power has been safely disconnected. Models of this kind are an excellent way to ensure that rules of safety are observed.
Operators need to keep something else in mind: Because utility workers are completely vulnerable when working on downed lines, lines that they believe are without power, many municipalities have criminalized the reckless use of portable and home generators. Violators can be subject to harsh fines, and even incarceration if convicted. Improper or reckless employment of portable or home generators can also void homeowners' insurance in the event of property damage or personal injury. Given the number of drawbacks, engaging a licensed electrician to install transfer equipment is a sound investment.
Operators should take care not to overload a portable generator. In addition to its running watts, all generators have a maximum or surge-watts rating, reserve power which is intended to start appliance motors, and is not available for more than a few seconds at a time. During normal use, appliances connected to a generator should not consume above 80% of the generator's maximum running watts. This reduces the chance of unintended damage or overheating. The watts used by an appliance will often be listed on a data plate attached to its back or underside. If a data plate cannot be located, a wattage meter which is inserted between an appliance and wall outlet is a good way to determine its exact wattage demands. A list of the average watts used by many common household appliances is also available on our website. Lists like ours are not intended to be comprehensive; however, such lists give some indication of the number and size of appliances a portable or home generator model ought to power safely.
Other Safety Tips for Portable Generators
Portable generators use 12 to 18 gallons of gasoline per day; for this reason, an extended blackout will require substantial fuel reserves. Gasoline, diesel, and other fuels burned by portable generators are highly combustible, and storing substantial amounts of them can be hazardous if done carelessly. We recommend that gasoline be stored in a container meeting American National Standards Institute (ANSI) requirements, as well as any applicable state requirements (the state of California, for example, has more stringent requirements known as "CARB"). ANSI coordinates the development and implementation of voluntary safety standards by United States manufacturers. An ANSI-compliant container will always be prominently marked as such.
It is advisable to use a stabilizer, such as STA-BIL, in gasoline or diesel which will be stored for emergency purposes. The shelf-life of pump gas is roughly six months, and for diesel, roughly a year. Stabilizers can frequently double a fuel's effective shelf-life. Some stabilizers can endow gasoline with a life span of up to two years, and diesel considerably longer. T-REX recommends that, ideally, gasoline supplies be used and replaced annually. It is good practice to use fuel stored for emergency use in other gas-powered equipment -- like chain saws and lawn mowers, ATVs or motorcycles. This guarantees that fuel supplies are replenished, and that gasoline is always ready for use when needed. Having a few extra quarts of oil, air and fuel filters, and spark plugs is also advisable.
There should never be open flames near a portable generator during operation. Flames, including lighted cigarettes, should also be kept away from a generator fuel supply. In particular a candle should never be used to provide illumination when preparing a generator for operation or powering it on.
A portable generator should not be refueled while running. If possible, refueling should occur after the generator engine has been allowed to cool, to prevent inadvertent fire should fuel make contact with a hot surface. To avoid refueling spills, it is always wise to store alongside a generator a funnel that can be used for pouring fuel and a rag to clean up spills. It is also advisable to have a flashlight and fire extinguisher within reach.
Keeping a portable generator in good working condition is important to ensure that it operates efficiently and safely when needed. Most manufacturers recommend that portable or home generators be started and allowed to run for five minutes every three months to insure that they remain ready for use. During down time, fuel tanks should be kept full (topped off). This prevents condensation from accumulating inside the tank, and diluting fuel. Water-saturated fuel can produce starting problems, and the engine may sputter during operation. Unfortunately, few people who purchase portable generators for emergency power needs heed this simple advice. Ignoring it can mean that a generator will not operate when it is most needed. We also advise generator owners to have their units serviced annually by a qualified technician.
It is a sound practice to keep small children away from portable generators. Even if a generator is being operated in a safe and well-ventilated area, its engine parts can become burning hot during normal use.
Finally, certain portable generator models are safer than others. Emergency generators are not intended for daily use, but are built to provide continuous occasional power in an emergency, or during a natural disaster or blackout. Inexpensive models can be more susceptible than top brands to heat failure, and heat failure in extreme instances can start fires. There are many inexpensive generators on the market -- while inexpensive does not mean bad or unreliable, lower-priced brands may not last as long, or be as safe, as their higher-priced counterparts.
Here is a summary checklist of safety tips for portable-generator operators:
oOperators should always read the operating instructions or user's manual before starting or using a portable generator. For best results and ultimate safety, an operator should adhere to these instructions. Generator owners should never remove warning stickers or safety devices from their models.
oA user should be familiar with the sound of his or her portable generator during normal operations. This allows for quick and easy identification of a problem during use; if a problem is detected, operators must immediately power down the unit.
oA portable generator should be used only outdoors and as far away as possible from open windows, air conditioners, vents or air-conditioning ducts.
oUsers should check wind direction to ensure that during operation, exhaust emissions are being blown away from buildings and residences.
oThere should be plenty of ventilation on all sides of a portable generator.
oA portable generator should be operated only in clean, dry locations. A permanent or temporary shelter may need to be built to house a portable generator during its operation. An operator should never touch any generator unless his or her hands are dry.
oA portable generator should be properly grounded before use to prevent inadvertent electric shocks.
oAn undersized or frayed extension cord should never be used with a portable generator. If an extension cord becomes hot to the touch during use, it has been overloaded and the operator needs to replace it immediately with a larger cord, or power down the generator. Operators should always route extension cords to minimize tripping hazards.
oA generator should never be connected to an existing residential wiring system unless a DPDT electric transfer switch is used to prevent back feed, and isolate generator power from external lines.
oThe main circuit breaker in a home or building should be turned off before any appliances are connected to a portable generator.
oOperators should ensure that generators are not overloaded by too many or too-large appliances; it is a good safe practice never to attach enough appliances to exceed 80% of a generator's running watts.
oFuel for the portable generator should be stored in a safe ANSI-compliant container.
oThere should never be open flame near a portable generator during operation or fueling.
oA user should power down and, if possible, allow to cool, a portable generator prior to refueling.
oA generator should be serviced at least annually even if it has not seen use. Unless an owner is qualified, it is best to engage a specialist for generator service or repairs.
This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to serve as a substitute for, or replacement of, the operating instructions or user's manual of any generator, regulations or guidance promulgated by government agencies, or recommendations made by qualified electricians. Generators should be used only in accordance with manufacturers' instructions.
This article was prepared by the management of T-REX Generators. T-REX Generators is a virtual warehouse mega-store specializing in portable generators and generator accessories. We carry portable generators for natural disasters and emergency preparedness, job sites, recreation, and home back-up power needs. By supplying superior generators from industry-leading manufacturers, and maintaining a low-cost structure, T-REX is able to assure consumers that every generator purchased from us is a top value. For more information, visit our website at
This article was written by James F. Jensen.
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Nikola Tesla Free Energy - Free Energy Generator Plans: The Secret Blueprints of Nikola Tesla


Is it just a rumor or do the Nikola Tesla free energy generator plans actually exist?
When hearing about the Nikola Tesla free generator, it would be fair to ask if it is true that free energy generators exist. I would like to tell you about what happened to me recently and you can make up your own mind. I recently came across a most astonishing book called "Man from the Plant Rizq" and I will never be the same again! I usually avoid literature that confronts my value system but this publication contained some hard-hitting information about people who have made huge strides with scientific achievements. The two most memorable achievers described were Edward Leedskalnin and Nikola Tesla. Edward was of small stature but built a huge monument which he called "Coral Castle" using electromagnetic manipulation. He is remembered today for recording his magnetism knowledge in a book on moral education.
Nikola Tesla: The man behind the free energy generator Plans
The second man, Nikola Tesla, was at one stage known as the most intelligent man on the planet, even more so than Albert Einstein. Tesla was a hugely talented scientist and some of his patents still astonish some of today's top scientists.
Tesla opened the doors to communicating with extraterrestrial frequencies that responded intelligently and was the initiator of much of the achievements later attributed to Thomas Edison. He was renowned for his work in magnetism and electricity and also claimed to know which frequencies could cure certain diseases. He also managed to get himself into hot water by infuriating some of the richest men in the world at the time. Not that it was his fault, they'd asked for it by commissioning him to create a self-driven free energy generator using the energy that occurs in our environment. The trouble started when, on the day that Tesla was supposed to reveal plans for his free energy generator to the industrialists, he presented them with the actual device! Their reaction to Tesla's generator was twofold: on the one hand they could not believe their eyes in amazement but on the other hand, Tesla caused such fury that it was clearly palpable in the room.
The names of the men who were there to witness his invention were never revealed but apparently they are all high-profile historical figures. Nikola Tesla's free energy generator posed an enormous threat to the wealth of these tycoons and their offspring to the extent that his life was in danger and he went from being a highly sponsored, ground-breaking scientist to the biggest scourge ever known to the wealthiest of the wealthy of that time. It was ordered that the plans for Nikola Tesla should be appropriated and made inaccessible and his free energy projects were stopped in its tracks. All his funding was abruptly cut off and he became fair game. Not long after these events Tesla was found dead in his hotel room. His work and his name fell off the grid to the extent that he is unheard of today.
What happened to Nikola Tesla Free Energy generator Plans?
Tesla was edited out of text books which now only spoke about Edison and Einstein as the leadings lights in science, physics and electricity. His name no longer appeared in Global Education and it is difficult to find traces of his work anywhere. However, an e-mail entitled "Nikola Tesla's Free Energy Generator Plan Revealed" landed in my inbox the other day and what it told me almost beyond belief. The plans for Nikola Tesla free energy generator had somehow resurfaced - and they actually work on paper as well as in real life. At long last, Tesla's work is getting the recognition it deserves. If only he was here to witness it. With Nikola Tesla's generator put to work, we will no longer have to pay for electricity, which is actually a free planetary energy form available all around us. Hopefully Tesla will be remembered for the sacrifices that he has made.
Is the Nikola Tesla free energy generator concept a scam?
The Nikola Tesla free energy generator device is currently the top DIY project featured on the internet for anyone hoping to find an alternative energy source. No wonder, with electricity companies charging and average of $0.11 per kwh for energy. This translates to approximately 2,500 to 3,000 kwh of power being billed for the average household who ends up paying between $275 and $330 for electricity per billing cycle - and that is before taxes and other expenses have been added.
In the light of the current economic crises it is no wonder people want to avoid these costs and are looking at green energy options. As opposed to wind and solar generators, the Nikola Tesla free energy generator is inexpensive and easy to build. This is not a popular development with the big power companies since anyone can now use the Tesla Secret handbook to build their on Nikola Tesla free energy generator to benefit from the unlimited energy sources freely available around us.
The bottom line is that this is not a scam. The easy-to-follow instructions are available online along with testimonials and proof of people who are using the Nikola Tesla free energy generator plan.
With this device you will never have to pay for electricity again and all the information is available in the Nikola Tesla Free Energy Generator Secret™.
It contains easy instructions to construct your own generator
A way of getting money out of the electricity companies
A list of everything you will need for the $100 outlay to run your generator for years to come
How to get rid of electricity companies for good by lowering your energy use by 100%
And to top it all, the "Tesla Secret" carries a 100% money back guarantee if you should not be happy with the product so investing in the Nikola Tesla free energy generator product is completely free of risk.
Read more about how to create your own generator with Nikola Tesla free energy plan. Find all the information bout the different options you have to create your own Free Energy Generator.
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Marketing Your Invention


When inventors contact my company about Due Diligence I like to explain the concept with a simple example. Think of it this way, if a manufacturer is getting ready to make the decision to develop, manufacture, and market a new product that could potentially cost $50,000 to $150,000 to produce plus inventory costs, they would most certainly take their time to ensure that they are making a good business decision in moving forward with the product (i.e.: have they done their homework on the product). Therefore, you can sum up "due diligence" as the process of gathering all the information necessary to make a good business decision prior to making the large financial expenditure. It can generally be assumed that the more time, effort and money (i.e.: "risk") that a company must spend to develop an invention, the more they will evaluate the potential license. Keep in mind that even if a product appears to be simple and low cost, the process of developing and manufacturing is rarely simple and low cost. Companies will evaluate such criteria as customer feedback, retail price points, unit cost to manufacture, competitive landscape, manufacturing feasibility, market opportunity, etc.
Inventors often wonder if they need to perform Due Diligence on their invention.
As discussed, this will depend on the option you have elected for taking your product to market.
Option 1 - Manufacturing on your own - If you are planning on manufacturing and marketing the invention on your own, then yes you will need to perform due diligence. Essentially, you become the manufacturer of the product and as a result you should perform the due diligence on your invention just like other manufacturers would. The problem that I have found is that many inventors who elect to manufacture their own inventions do little, if any marketing due diligence, which is a big mistake.
Option 2 - Licensing for Royalties - if you are planning on licensing for royalties, then I believe you can minimize your due diligence efforts, because prior to any company licensing your invention, they will perform their own due diligence. If you are working with a company such as Invention Home, the costs to market your invention to companies can be minimal - therefore it could cost you more to actually perform the due diligence than it would to just market the invention to companies (which, is ultimately your best form of due diligence anyway). Remember, you should have taken the time to do your basic market research and a patent search earlier in the process to be assured that your product is worth pursuing in the first place (i.e.: the product is not already on the market and there is a demand).
Let me summarize. If you are planning on investing a large amount of money on your invention, then you should always analyze the opportunity first to make sure it's worth pursuing; however, if you can actively market your invention to companies with minimal cost, you can be assured that an interested company will perform their own due diligence (not rely on yours). Note: it is always helpful to have marketing due diligence information available as you discuss your invention opportunity with prospective companies; however, it is not always easy to obtain this information so you need to balance the effort and expense of gathering the information with the real need of having it.
I also will provide you with some due diligence tips.As discussed, the idea of marketing due diligence is to gather as much information as possible to make a well-informed decision on investing in any invention. In a perfect world, we would have all the relevant information on sales projections, retail pricing, marketing costs, manufacturing setup and unit costs, competitive analysis, market demand, etc. However, this information is not always easy to come by.
If you are not in a position to pay a professional firm to do your marketing evaluation, it is possible to perform the research on your own; however, you need to understand that research should be interpreted and used for decision-making and on its own, it has no value. It is what you do with the information that matters. Note: I would recommend that you DO NOT PURCHASE "market research" from an Invention Promotion company. Often sold as a "first step" (they'll usually approach you again with an expensive "marketing" package), the information is largely useless because it is not specific research on your invention. Rather, it is off-the-shelf "canned" industry statistics, which will not necessarily help you make an informed decision.
Before we get to the "tips", let me clarify that "due diligence" can come under various names, but essentially they all mean the same thing. Some of the terms that I have seen to describe the diligence process are:
· Due Diligence
· Marketing Evaluation
· Commercial Potential
· Invention Salability
· Profitably Marketable
· Market Research
· Invention Assessment
Each of these terms is basically referring to the research to assess the likelihood of an invention's salability and profitability. The question of whether your invention will sell can never be known with certainty, but you can perform some steps to help you better understand the likelihood of success.
Again, if you are planning on manufacturing your invention on your own, you should consider performing marketing due diligence on your product. If you are planning on licensing your invention for royalties the company licensing your invention should perform this research.
Some suggestions for marketing due diligence are listed below.
1. Ask and answer some basic questions
- Is your invention original or has someone else already come up with the invention? Hopefully, you have already answered this question in your basic research. If not, check trade directories or the Internet.
- Is your invention a solution to a problem? If not, why do you think it will sell?
- Does your invention really solve the problem?
- Is your invention already on the market? If so, what does your invention offer over the others?
- How many competing products and competitors can you find on the market?
- What is the range of price of these products? Can your product fall into this range? Don't forget to factor in profit and perhaps wholesale pricing and royalty fee, if any.
- Can you position your invention as a better product?
2. List the pros and cons that will impact how your invention sells and objectively evaluate your list
- Demand - is there an existing demand for your invention?
- Market - does a market exist for your invention, and if so, what is the size of the market?
- Production Capabilities - will it be easy or difficult to produce your invention?
- Production Costs - can you obtain accurate manufacturing costs (both per unit and setup/tooling)?
- Distribution Capabilities - will it be easy or difficult to distribute or sell your invention?
- Advanced features - does your invention offer significant improvements over other similar products (speed, size, weight, ease of use)?
- Retail Price - do you have a price point advantage or disadvantage?
- Life - will your invention last longer than other products?
- Performance - does your invention perform better than other products (including better, faster output, less noise, better smell, taste, look or feel)?
- Market Barriers - is it difficult or easy to enter your market?
- Regulations and Laws - does your invention require specific regulatory requirements or are there special laws that must be followed (i.e.: FDA approval)
3. Seek advice or input from others (consider confidentiality)
- Target professionals / experts in the field.
- Ask for objective feedback and advice.
- Talk to marketing professionals.
- Ask sales people in the field.
- Ask people you know in the field.
- Talk to close friends and family members whom you trust.
- Ask for input on the invention such as features, benefits, price, and if they would buy it.
During the diligence stage, existing manufactures have an advantage in that they have the ability to talk with their customers (retail buyers, wholesalers, etc.). In my experience, one of the most important factors that a company will consider is whether their existing customers would buy the product. If I took an invention to a company to discuss licensing (assuming they could produce it at the right price point), there is a very high likelihood that they would license the product if one of their top customers agreed to sell it.
Whether a retail buyer is interested in purchasing a product is a driving force for companies considering product licensing. I've seen many scenarios in which a company had interest in an invention but they ultimately decided to pass on the idea because their customer (the retailer) did not show any interest in the product. Conversely, I've seen companies with mild interest in an idea who jump at a new product when a retailer expresses interest in it.
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Looking For Free Energy

With the term free energy do you understand that you don't need to pay even a single penny to generate energy? If yes, then you close to correct but not exactly correct. In reality, the free energy means the total cost of produced energy is much higher than that of the created energy. Most common examples of free energy are solar and wind power. However, other options are also available such as centrifugal force and radiant energy.
Hydrogen is another element that can possibly produce free energy. Hydrogen is an integral part of water therefore easily available. One can easily extract hydrogen from water with the help of electrolysis and use it as fuel. However, when water is burned, hydrogen combines with oxygen and disappears in vapor form. Besides, electrolysis there are other processes also available that allow you to separate hydrogen from water. You can start using it for making electricity and may be in future it become an efficient fuel and replaces fossil fuels.
One more option that can generate free energy is ambient heat. The concept of ambient heat is not a new invention. In this process, you can get mechanical or electrical energy from heat. In 1900, an engine was invented by Nicolas Tesla in which heat from air was used to produce mechanical energy. The engine was given name "Self acting engine." The energy produced by the magnets or magnetism is one of the oldest ways to produce energy for free. Magnetism is abundant source of energy. Today we can see magnetism in most of the devices such as television, radio and computer that have become an integral part of our lives.
Researchers are still finding more applications that can create with magnetism to produce energy for free. Zero point magnetic generators can produce free energy and amount of the energy will be more than required. The perpetual generator also works on magnets and produces sustainable energy. It also produces energy in large amount and will not stop on its own and known as free energy magnet motors. The motor uses the power of magnets to generate electricity. Most of the homeowners have started using magnetism to get rid of high electricity bills and keep our environment clean. Till date majority of people are not aware about the benefits of free magnetic energy. Therefore, they are still relying on traditional alternate sources of free energy such as solar and wind energy.
There are only few limitations to these two sources and sustainable sources of energy. Otherwise, there are various benefits of solar and wind energy that be used to save existence of mankind. You can install solar panels on your roof tops or back yard where they get ample of sunlight so that they can produce free energy. Same way wind turbines can be installed at a strategic place in your home where turbine can move with ample of wind.
You just need to adapt alternate sources of energy as most of them are renewable and provide free energy.
To find out how you can get FREE electricity for your home, read more at []
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 few  invention
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Remember when.....well....ugh.....

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