This model first to the idea of ​​developing the battery ethereal, but before first have to take the idea of ​​the basis for the work of the battery and concisely and in a way to understand the model developer. Preferably Read
(Battery ethereal) to form a clear idea of ​​what I will speak with him.

The voltage-current generated by the battery output of two electrodes immersed in the metal and Ogg Aquifers latency between the two teams (voltage) output from the two mediums satiate shipments opposite her son lining up water molecules uniform. Of course, this resulted from growth Allenbtani for shipment and Herman, who helped in the composition and gradually increase, and all this requires a period of up to several weeks if the model The electric went out and met with considerable investment practice. As our model developer has addressed this question, he needs ten (1 \ 10) that period to produce the same effect.

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الحجم: 29.8 كيلوبايت 
الهوية: 1480

Each pyramid is part of the body of water, which will take one of the two charges Almtdhadtan Alnatjtin cell of the pan. Thanks extensions wired Basta and the nature of water, generating an electric field is a simple and small but enough to describe the water molecules in one direction, and assisted by its nature Almgesmin Hermyin it.

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الحجم: 45.0 كيلوبايت 
الهوية: 1481
Mlahoudh: what is stated in the book (the battery Alathreh-- to Ala al-Halabi), it became clear that the secret of generating electricity is uniform alignment of water molecules with structure Aldabolih (carrying two shipments oppositely on both sides Almtbaeidin), and this cell by a factor only on this basis. If the existence of pyramids and wired extensions have only one role, a production and promotion of the electric field to describe the particles uniformly.

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الحجم: 48.4 كيلوبايت 
الهوية: 1482
Our model developer teams where one is almost Almgesman Hermaan replace other more effective means to perform the role of Herman and wired extensions, any way put a new class of water molecules line one, this method is more effective and the recent faster and more severe than Trivt pyramids.

We (you, if I may say so) in our model developer to expose the objects watercourses to electric fields continuous and direct and strong, and we have no way provides us immediately with electrical fields, and is well known that water molecules Ststaf with immediately with the electric field lines. We did this by using solid electrolytes durable and strong. Since the electric fields on both sides of the electrolyte is the role required an array of water molecules in the two basins Almlsquin on both sides of the electrolyte promoters of the lines of the electric field (both sides promoters) and be shaped basins cube so that one of its faces adherent general of the aspects of electrolyte and the flip side of the basin have a poster it from the surface of internal plate metal poles to be the one who Sikhrjan to run the external circuit. The following figure may give the idea clearly:

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الحجم: 43.9 كيلوبايت 
الهوية: 1483

From this it became clear that the most important part and save the hardest part of the new model is the electrolyte permanent, how can you make and what conditions?

Are making electrolyte and the melting of any material be fractions Dabolih (carrying two shipments oppositely on both sides Almtbaeidin) and then melted down until liquidity full we Besbha in the basin of stone insulator, and this is the basin in a cube and a poster on the two surfaces Mottagabiljin of its surfaces interior, poster them two plates Madnitan Mardtin teams effort high voltage from an external source (voltage difference should not cause a spark to occur within the dimensions of the basin). After casting and cooling about five hours to block the voltage of the external source and leave the mold, including the ICE a day or two to take the electric fields on both sides growing, and stability, with Mahavdh the complete stability of the basin (template) and content through the cooled configuration, cooling and Altaadm in electric fields.
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